Mlady slovensky turista - vychodniar sa zobudi 26. decembra v hoteli na Sri Lanke po strasnej opici, vyhliadne z okna na plaz a povzdychne si: Boze, to co sme robili?
To unlock the Tokyo Police Car, beat all circuit races (Arcade Mode) in Tokyo.
Unlock Parisian Police Car
Beat all circuit races in Paris (Arcade Mode) to unlock the Parisian police car.
Unlock LAPD Car
To unlock the LAPD car, beat all circuit races in LA.
Machine Guns and Rockets
To outfit machine guns and rockets to your car, go to the Options menu, and select Options: Cheat Codes. Enter savethekids as a cheat to hook your ride up with machine guns and rockets. When playing the game press R3 to fire rockets and L3 to fire machine guns.
Change Difficulty
Go to the Options menu, and select Options: Cheat Codes. Enter the code howhardcanitbe, followed by a number 0-9. The most difficult is howhardcanitbe9, while the easiest is howhardcanitbe0.
All Vehicles
Enter theCollector as a case sensitive cheat code.
All Cities
Enter Globetrotter as a case sensitive cheat code.
All Vehicles & Cities
Enter pennyThug as a case sensitive cheat code.
In-Air controls
Enter carcrobatics as a case sensitive cheat code.
Unlock Everything
Enter rimbuk as a case sensitive cheat code.
Infinite Nitros
Enter greenLantern as a case sensitive cheat code.
No Damage
Enter gladiator as a case sensitive cheat code.
Change difficulty
Enter howhardcanitbe0, howhardcanitbe1, etc to howhardcanitbe9 as a case sensitive cheat code where howhardcanitbe0 is the easiest difficulty and howhardcanitbe9 is the hardest.
Crazy weapons
To get machine guns and rocket launchers on your vehicle, go to the cheat screen under options and enter the following code: savethekids. Now, during the game simply hit R3 or L3 (press the analog sticks) to fire your new weapons.
Get Guns and Rockets
Enter savethekids (case sensitive) at the cheat screen. Press L3 and R3 to fire them.
Runaway motorbike
Put on the 'savethekids' cheat. You should now have the machine gun and rocket launcher. Now, go to any race or event and make sure you choose a motorbike. Before it says Go, shoot the rocket launcher at a wall. You should go flying and explode. When you get back the bike, the bike won't have you on it. It'll be driving by itself.